Tillid til Livet
Har du Tillid til Livet?
Tror du på, at der sker det, der skal ske?
Er du bange for at miste?
Holder du fast?
Tillid til Livet
Jo mere tillid, du har, jo mere af alting vil du have.
Hvis du ikke har tillid, men holder fast, vil du hele tiden få mindre af alting.
Der sker det, der skal ske.
Hvis du kan tro på det og ikke handle for at komme væk eller fastholde, vil du bevæge dig fremad og få mere af det, du gerne vil.
Sådan er det bare.
Når du holder fast i noget, du er bange for at miste, er det, i virkeligheden, dig selv du fastholder.
Det er derfor, du mister.
Du mister fordi, du står stille.
Alle mennesker, alle dyr, alle ting har deres eget flow.
Et lille kredsløb af energi.
Ligesom at alt kører i en proces på en computer.
Sådan er det også for os, vi er i en proces.
Det der sker, når du holder fast er, at du bryder din egen process.
Det du forsøgte at holde fast på fortsætter stadig i egen proces, derfor mister du det.
Hvis du hele tiden er bange for at miste standser du derfor konstant din egen proces.
Med andre ord udvikler du dig ikke og du mister hver gang.
Det kan være, hvad som helst du mister.
Venskab, ejerskab, kærlighed, kontakten til dig selv osv.
Først når du giver slip og lader ske det, der skal ske, kommer du i process igen.
Med andre ord skal du bare lade dig flyde med.
Du behøver ikke gøre noget.
Så mister du ikke.
Det eneste du skal gøre er, at arbejde med selv at have tillid til livet.
Når du har tillid er du i process.
Din energikredsløb er intakt.
Du behøver ikke holde fast, det du allerede har bliver.
Du kan arbejde med tilliden ved at øve dig i at undlade at handle.
Hver gang du får lyst til at handle, kan du spørge dig selv:
Handler jeg fordi, jeg vil forsvare, beskytte eller holde fast eller vil væk fra noget?
Hvis svaret er ja, så skal du ikke handle.
Synes du det er svært, ikke at handle, så kan du rose dig selv.
Det vil beskæftige din bevidsthed med noget andet og samtidig øge dit selvværd.
Begge dele vil gøre det nemmere for dig at have tillid.
God fornøjelse med at have tillid til livet.
Abonner på min YouTube Kanal.
Læs om, hvordan du med mindfulness kan opnå tillid.

Tillid til Livet
Have Confidence in Life?
Do you believe that what happens is supposed to happen?
Are you afraid of losing?
Do you hold on to things?
Confidence in Life
The more confidence you have, the more of everything will have.
If you do not trust, but hold on, will you continually get less of everything.
What happens is supposed to happen.
If you can believe this and not act to get away or hold on, you will move forward and get more of what you want.
That’s just how it is.
When you hold onto something that you are afraid of losing, it is, in fact, yourself that you hold back.
That’s why you lose.
You lose because you are not moving on.
All people, all animals, all things have their own flow.
A small circuit of energy.
Like everything running in a process on a computer.
This is how it is for us, we are in the process.
What happens when you hold back is that you break your own process.
What you tried to hold on to still continues in it’s own process, which is why you lose it.
Therefore, if you are continuously afraid of losing, you are constantly stopping your own process.
In other words, you do not develop and you lose something every time.
It can be anything you lose.
Friendship, ownership, love, contact with yourself etc.
Only when you let go and let what’s supposed to happen you come back into process.
In other words, just let yourself flow.
You don’t have to do anything.
Then you won’t lose.
All you have to do is work on trusting life.
When you have confidence, you are in the process.
Your energy circuit is intact.
You don’t have to hold onto what you already have.
You can work with your confidence by practicing not to act.
Every time you feel like shopping, you might ask yourself:
Do I act because I want to defend, protect or hold on or want to get away from something?
If the answer is yes then don’t act.
If you find it difficult not to act, you can praise yourself.
It will engage your consciousness with something else and at the same time increase your self-esteem.
Both will make it easier for you to trust.
Have a great time trusting life.
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel.
Read about, how to gain confidence using mindfulness.